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Helping you unlock options
for education and career.

Make Education Your Superpower

with the help and support of Mansfield Adult Education 

The challenges life presents are never the end of the road. Take your next steps with free educational resources to:

  • Get your GED®

  • Begin the Adult Diploma Program

  • Earn a certification in a high-demand field 

  • Empower your team to grow

Felicia Perkins Felicia Perkins

“I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart to Lou (Tommelleo) and Marsha, and everyone at Madison (Adult Career Center) for helping me become one step closer to making my dreams come true!” 

-Felicia Perkins

Recent News & Updates

Getting Started is Easy


Looking for help with enrollment? Give us a call to learn about our free services. Or, if you’re ready to get started, enroll now


During orientation you’ll complete a skills assessment and meet the staff who will help you learn more about your options. 


While you focus on balancing life and school, we will be there to provide the tools and resources you need to measure success.


Whether you start a career or continue your education, we remain a resource for you to make connections as you take your next steps.

Enrollment is open to students 19+, or 16+ if officially withdrawn from High School.

Teacher and student sitting together with laptop and tablet

For Students

Find out how you can earn the certifications you need.

Employer conducting an interview

For Employers

Level-up your staff and increase retention through free employee education opportunities.
